We're proud to announce that Nearsure has achieved a new ISO 27001 certification! Our latest milestone signifies the achievement of a globally recognized standard for information security management.

As today’s organizations handle increasingly large volumes of sensitive data around the globe, cybersecurity has become a critical priority. Particularly for tech companies, ensuring protection against evolving threats is now more important than ever. Effective data management and robust security measures are paramount in safeguarding company assets as much as securing well-founded customer trust.

Based on above, this blog will expand on cybersecurity as a vital aspect in our industry. Designed as a quick read, it’s also instructive on how to conduct corporate risk mitigation while staying ahead of potential threats. Let’s get to it!

ISO 27001 certification basics: What is it, best practices, and why it’s important

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), “ISO/IEC 27001 is the world's best-known standard for information security management systems (ISMS).”

Furthermore, this ISO 27001 certification pertains to a list of globally recognized standards focused solely on information security management. The distinguished certification is a testament to a business' ability to operate on a comprehensive system that protects sensitive data.  

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s even more important for tech companies to prioritize protection against constantly changing threats for different reasons. The main considerations include properly safeguarding sensitive data, maintaining regulatory compliance, and ensuring business continuity.  

Considering cyberattacks have become more sophisticated over time and new technologies like cloud computing and IoT have introduced new vulnerabilities, it’s crucial for tech organizations to stay ahead of the latest advancements in the cybersecurity front. Robust defense systems are essential for sustaining customer confidence and long-term success as strong security measures not only protect from breaches but also help preserve brand trust and reputation.  

Based on this new achievement, Nearsure formally complies with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements for data protection. Achieving this certification moreover demonstrates our company's commitment to safeguarding information against various threats such as data breaches, cyberattacks, unauthorized access, and many other vulnerabilities.  

What this new ISO 27001 standard means for our clients

Nearsure’s new security standard brings a host of benefits to our clients. It ensures their data is protected, risks are managed, and compliance is easier than ever. Here’s a breakdown of the diverse benefits this certification brings our existing and potential client network:

  • Enhanced trust and confidence: Our clients can now have even greater confidence in our ability to protect their sensitive information. This achievement officially certifies our robust security practices.
  • Improved risk management: Our clients can benefit from our proactive approach to identifying and mitigating risks, ensuring projects are handled with the utmost care and security.
  • Compliance assurance: Clients in regulated industries can moreover maximize our adherence to international standards, which makes it easier to meet their own compliance requirements.

To adhere to this famous ISO 27001 standard, however, a company must meet specific ISO 27001 requirements. Those include a list of risk assessments, well-defined security policies, and regular audits. Let’s take a closer look next at the key requirements behind this certification and what it takes to maintain these high standards.

How to navigate ISO 27001 controls: A quick run through the certification process

The ISO 27001 certification process typically involves defining a security management system, identifying potential risks, and implementing controls to mitigate them. The process to obtain this certification involves a thorough external audit to verify compliance with the standard, followed by annual reviews to maintain it.

According to the ISO, the organization will provide companies of all sizes with the required guidance they need to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve their information security management systems. They do so under a holistic approach to information security, making the standardization process “a tool for risk management, cyber-resilience and operational excellence.” The certification itself also requires renewal, which must take place every three years.  

Best practices to maintaining ISO 27001 certification

Keeping this cybersecurity certification valid beyond its three-year expiration period is best attained with ongoing best practices. For maintaining ISO 27001, regular updates should be made to security protocols with continuous employee training. Companies should mainly monitor their security framework on a steady basis to ensure it adapts to evolving new risks, including the repetition of internal audits.  The idea is to constantly test and review the vivid threat landscape. Regular and rigorous testing will need to be a part of compliance maintenance.

Another trait for continual improvement is counting on a managerial review of internal audits and remediation. Keep senior management informed of all activities maintaining the ISMS and, moreover, of all the benefits it keeps bringing.  On this note, keep proof of your internal security management systems’ effectiveness through key performance indicators that are presentable to the company board, for instance. An annual or six-month regular management review process is recommended.

Also, keep documentation updated to reflect all significant changes and new activities —and never forget to maintain and raise staff awareness with a steady flow of ongoing information on cybersecurity needs and best practices.  

Related read: Working With AI: A Word On Today’s Corporate Cybersecurity

Nearsure is thrilled with our successful ISO 27001 audit

By attaining this new certification, Nearsure has successfully demonstrated that our ISMS is robust and effective in protecting our clients' confidential information. This includes having taken all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks.  

We’re thrilled that our company has achieved the prestigious ISO 27001. By successfully complying with the highest legal and regulatory standards, our clients can rest even better assured that their information is thoroughly protected.

With ISO 27001 now part of our credentials, we remain steadfast in delivering secure and reliable services, ensuring that our client data is always in safe hands.

While our new achievement certifies our steadfast commitment to data security and compliance –cornerstones of our core values as a company–, we're always looking for more ways to improve the security of our information. In that sense, and as usual, all our information security practices keep being transparent as we continue to pursue improvement in all aspects of Nearsure’s business.  

This milestone marks a new chapter in our journey to excellence in cybersecurity, and we couldn’t be prouder!